Technical Summary
Of Port Loko Bauxite

technical summary of port loko bauxite

Bauxite in the port loko area occurs as a series of elongated lenses / pods in various low lying plateaus / blocks at an elevation of 60m to 80m

The bauxite is gibbsitic in nature and amenable to dry and wet beneficiation processes. Similar types of bauxite formed on Kassila series of rocks are being mined and beneficiated at Gondama and Mokanji areas.

Bauxite areas are generally buried beneath an over burden of between 1m and 5m of soft soil mixed with lateritic gravel. The thickness of the bauxite layer varies from 3m to 11m and on average is 5m.

The three main bauxite areas within the Port Loko concession from north to south are; Mange-Gbonkomakent, Yenkisa-Tekeya-Lungi and Mamaliki. The subject of most explorationin the Yenkisa-Tekeya-Lungi area.


Port Loko Bauxite Geology

Sierra Leone is a resource-rich country, which is currently focused on Bauxite mining for the following reasons:

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